Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The hardest lesson I am still in the process of learning is how to let go. Sometimes at the expense of my own well being I have a death grip on things that are no longer serving any purpose in my life whether its material possessions, a job or a person (quite often its a person). The simple explaination is that I am no good with change. I am lazy and content in my ways, I like the comfort of familiarity even when with a little discomfort I could change my entire universe for the better.
When I get rid of material possessions such as books or clothes I do it with a heavy heart, maybe I will read that again or maybe I will lose weight or gain weight and regret getting rid of that ugly red sweater from high school. But when I do eventually give it all over to goodwill I never miss the ugly sweater or unread books...people are harder to get rid of.
We live in a day of social media giving us a false sense of friendship and security.  I often tell people I only facebook those I am willing to get a beer or coffee with, as in those I am willing to talk to if the opportunity arised (not so easy with some people but if circumstances were good I would)  those I have invested interest in. I am not totally honest. I can think of some people who I wouldn't be heartbroken if I never heard from them again who have total access to my facebook info. Theres also some people I don't care about anymore but feel obligated to keep because we are so threaded together through other people it would be a social faux pas to delete them.
Then theres the flip side,  people have me as a friend because...I don't know. They likely don't like me or care which is fine but just because we know each other through others, it doesn't make us friends or fake friends...we are nothing, we are an awkward head nod, or hug at a social gathering and really don't give a shit about the answer to "oh hey hows it going?''
These aren't bad people, I am not a bad person, we just simply aren't friends, we know each other...simple.
Getting over or past friendships with people who have become friends in name only is a very hard thing to deal with.  Detaching from those who maybe I loved at one point breaks my heart and yet...on occassion much like the ugly sweater, its time to say goodbye and move on and I probably won't miss them as much as I thought I was going to. Unlike the ugly sweater there's always the risk of confrontation and hurt feelings, and all those damn tagged photos triggering emotions.
I not only have a hard time with change I have a hard time with the reality that is some people do not like me as much as I like them and honestly who wants to put up with those people?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so much afraid of change, but I think the "friend/people" thing is harder to deal with. I've learned over the years to let go of what's not healthy (people). It use to be so hard, I felt like I was losing part of myself. Even if that person was a toxic, tainted, or ruined part of myself, I still felt bad about it, or like I needed to keep them as a life lesson. I don't put up with that torture anymore though. I'm sure a lot of people view me as cold and disconnected when I don't use casual socializing as a means to have a millions friends, or "fake" friends. But I think having "hundreds of friends" as social media tries to make us believe is better, actually creates a whole world of issues that we wouldn't have if we just stuck to the friends that actually have some kind of meaning in our lives.
    Anyway, I'm totally butt-hurt now Seanna! Reading your blog ruined my life!!! ;)P
