Monday, November 24, 2014

20 things I learned in my 20s (written 12-10-14)

1. I learned to fall madly in love with my naked body. As a teen and young adult I had a lot of insecurities but by the time I reached 26 I was ok with my skin. I learned to appreciate my curves and bumps and scars and weird skin blemishes. I learned to look into my mirror with no clothing on and love it. It's my body. I still have some problems sometimes but I will never hate my body again.
2. I learned I will sometimes wake up despising every thing but it doesn't last and it's ok sometimes to be unhappy. Being unhappy happens it's important to recognize the unhappiness and to change it.
3. Losing friends doesn't mean those people cease to be important they just aren't part of your present.
4. I deserve to be loved, so does every one else.
5. I really really really really love food. having to consistently cook and grocery shop for myself made me appreciate my parents so much more for putting food on the table when I was younger.
6. Going to work hungover isn't wise but sometimes the night before is worth it
7. sometimes the night before isn't worth it.
8. I use to slut shame myself which is odd because I wouldn't call myself a slut regardless of the magic number but shaming myself for anything I've done sexually is just silly...shaming myself for anything is silly.
9. Nothing makes me feel sexier than making a hot man laugh.
10. I learned how to do things on my own like eat dinner in a sit down restaurant, pay my taxes and get my loan out of default.  I learned how to be independent.
11. I have had to live on ramen between checks and I am a better person for it.
12.  I learned I hate 1st dates more than job interviews or going to the dentist.
13. I have danced liked no one is watching and I have done so a lot :) I've realized even in the most crowded of spaces no one cares how you dance so long as you're dancing.
14. I still need my momma and daddy for momma and daddy reasons
15. I don't have to talk to people just because they want to talk to me.
16. I can appreciate the little things much easier.
17. I have learned to extract the assholes from my life (for the most part I can do this)
18. Being embarrassed is such a waste of energy
19. I will always harbor a crush on someone it's inevitable and fun and sometimes embarrassing but I will always have one.
20. I am a work in progress, from my first breath til my last.

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